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Which music to play in the lobby

Which music to play in the lobby

In some accommodation businesses the lobby is playing a crucial role. There are lobbies which are phenomenal; they are huge, extravagant, breathtaking, eye-catching, very comfortable and one of a kind. The lobby has the power to transmit the whole image and philosophy of the entire accommodation. In some cases the guests need to walk through the lobby to check in, so ensure the new arrivals are impressed by the well-thought-out architecture and decoration. In general, the lobby and reception are combined and the main entrance is not far away either. The concept of comfort first is still more important than trying by all means to increase the perception of the image.

Even if the lobby is not majestic it is a turning point for your guests and visitors. Guests and visitors like to meet in the lobby instead of going to the room to do business or have a conversation. The lobby serves as a meeting point, so should offer as many useful assets as possible. For instance, free Wi-Fi, coffee, donuts, water, nuts, biscuits and candies are helpful in giving your guests and visitors the right entry point to your business. However, you do not have to offer everything free of charge. A menu card placed on each table is absolutely fine as well. Look at your lobby as an additional income source. The more you offer, the more you can earn.

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Now let’s talk about the music played in the lobby and the associated decoration to it. I believe the decoration of a lobby and the music played in the lobby should go hand in hand. If you decorate your lobby elegantly, in a classical style with paintings that make people think, then you should play classical music.

If you have a more modern and hip look, then you should play hip and trendy music (hits and well-known songs). You get the idea. Have in mind while choosing the right music for your lobby that your guests and visitors want to have a conversation in your lobby. They are not having a meeting to party or to go wild. In this context think about the volume as well. The music should be heard in the background and play the main role in the lobby.

By and large, think of your lobby as an added value for your whole accommodation. It is a surplus and it has a lot of potential. For example, for a few days in a year you can use your lobby as an event hall, a VIP area, as a tiny special arena (World Cup / NFL / NBA / Beamer etc.), theatre, live music gigs and so much more. Use your imagination and you will come up with some interesting ideas.

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