In many places all around the world there are restaurants, fashion shops, hairdresser, barber shops and theatres that provide a thank you / guest comment book. People can use the opportunity to write their experience down and let other people know about it. It is a handsome gesture that is highly appreciated by guests.
Having such a book at your reception or lobby that is filled with lovely comments makes a big impression on your guests. Many people are curious – it is a trait that most human beings have. Thus, use the power of curiosity to make your guests smile. Reading through the “thank you book” will automatically create expectations and imaginations for newly arrived guests.
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Day in and day out you are giving your very best to please your guests, make them smile, provide all of your services and let them have an experience they will never forget. Thus, you should utilize your invested efforts more by collecting awesome feedback through a “thank you book”. As you know, not all of your guests that have been satisfied with your accommodation leave a comment on TripAdvisor or OTA. To have a chance to benefit from the comfortable stay that you provided to satisfied guests you can ask if the guests would like to leave a comment in your book while checking out.
You have nothing to lose and asking does not cost anything. Of course, do not be pushy or urge someone to do it. Just mention that you would be delighted if the guests were to leave a nice comment.
Afterwards you can take a picture of the comment and post it on your social media platforms. Such pictures are perfect for your social media marketing. Therefore, start being active and purchase a nice guest comment book so that your guests can start giving you awesome feedback!
Suggestion: If your accommodation business becomes extremely successful and famous you could probably sell the first guest comment book for a nice amount. You never know, but you should always consider each possibility.
Sunday, May 05, 2024
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Wednesday, April 26, 2023